Greg Case of Dewitt Arkansas with a heavy horned Illinois whitetail and below with a young 8 point taken during one of our annual White River NWR bowhunts. Greg and I have been best friends and ardent bowhunters since we were in middle and high school. He's lucky enough to live in the heart of big buck country in the Arkansas Delta. Visitors to Greg's home just outside the fertile farming community of Dewitt will be greeted with a den of trophy mounts that serves as a testament to his success as a slayer of 130 and 140 class delta whitetails.
Greg is meticulous to a fault about his equipment, site selection, and hunting manner. I kid h

im by calling him "Monk" the fanatically neat tv character. His obsessive attention to detail is why he is able to put himself in killing distance of big timber White River whitetails. Greg's preparation and planning provides him the confidence needed at that critical moment of the shot.
Jim Taylor, Arkansas Bowhunter